Georgia Tech’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC) as part of the GoSTEM program has facilitated and mentored a group of students at Meadowcreek High School for participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition(FRC). Meadowcreek High School’s FIRST Robotics team, “The RoboMustangs”, competed in the Georgia FIRST District qualifier tournaments.
Georgia Tech’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics and Computing (CEISMC) as part of the GoSTEM program has facilitated and mentored a group of students at Meadowcreek High School for participation in the FIRST Robotics Competition(FRC). This program works to introduce students to the fun and excitement of science and technology while building self-confidence, knowledge and life skills. While the program involves designing, manufacturing and programming robots, FRC goes far beyond robotics, with teams examining real-life problems and developing innovative solutions.
Meadowcreek High School’s FIRST Robotics team, “The RoboMustangs”, competed in the Georgia FIRST District qualifier tournaments in March. Teams must compete in at least 2 district qualifiers and place in the top 45 to earn an invitation to the State Championship on April 14-16 in Athens, Georgia.
The first district event the team competed in was on March 11-12, 2016 in Columbus against a field of 40 teams. They competed throughout the weekend and qualified in 15th place. The team was selected by the 4th seeded team to join the alliance for the elimination rounds. They competed with their partners in the elimination rounds (best of three) and defeated team #5 during the quarterfinals 2-0 to advance to the semi-finals against the #1 team. During the semi-finials they secured a place in the finals with another 2-0 win. In the finals they competed valiantly against the #2 seeded team and after the second match the RoboMustangs and their partners emerged victorious to win the Columbus District Qualifier.
On March 18-19 the RoboMustangs traveled to the Dalton District Qualifier. Again they performed well and were selected by the 4th seeded team captain for the elimination rounds. The team was eliminated in the quarter-finals, however during the award ceremony The RoboMustangs were awarded the Xerox Creativity Award for a creative or unique function of their design. The reason highlighted for their award win was their use of a modular system design that allowed them to remove and repair the robot in specific sections. The design had 3 sections, drive train, electronic/controls, and manipulator and was well integrated into one functional system. From these qualifier successes the team accumulated points which placed them in 16th place overall out of the 65 teams in the state. This qualified them to compete in the Georgia FIRST Robotics State Championship to be held this weekend at Stegeman Coliseum in Athens, Georgia.
CEISMC congratulates Meadowcreek High School RoboMustangs on their accomplishment and qualifying for the State Championship and wish them well as they compete this weekend.